Expat Argentina Life

How to extend your Argentina visa from Cordoba in 32 simple steps

In Argentina the tourist visa is good for 90 days. This visa can be renewed by leaving and re-entering the country however given that I find myself in the center of the country in C贸rdoba that’s not always an option.

Today I extended my visa at the immigration office in C贸rdoba using these 32 simple steps.

Simple as that.

Expat Argentina Life

Random Argentina likes and dislikes

Today I present a few random likes and dislikes regarding life in Argentina. Espero que disfruten!


1. Perception of engineers

I studied Industrial Engineering from the University of California Berkeley. One culture difference that I love is the image that the engineer title carries here. In the US the level with which people lose interest when you tell them you’re an engineer is amazing. While I was in Chile I was chatting to an American girl who asked me what I did. Upon declaring I was an engineer she yelled “Borrrrrrrrring” in my face. Meanwhile at the same table the local Chileans had a higher level of respect for engineers and wanted to know what kind I was and what I was doing with my degree. The status of engineers in Latin America is much more akin to US doctors or lawyers.