Expat Argentina Life

The State of Argentina Apartment Photography

Sites like AirBnB and Trulia have conditioned us Americans to expect nothing but amazing apartment photography.

Crystal clear and shining photos that make you want to stay at that apartment regardless of the price.

Sifting through the search results on those sites produces excellent photo after excellent photo. Each with their wide lens, perfect lighting, and high appeal.

The apartments are always clean and orderly. Showing off the best side of the place and enticing visitors to want to stay there.

To demonstrate here is a small sample set of photos off of AirBnB for San Francisco apartments.

Expat Argentina Life

Soccer in English vs. Fútbol en Español

After spending 9 months in Argentina I found myself back in the United States during the entire 2014 World Cup.

While I desperately wished I could have stayed in Argentina to soak up the World Cup spirit, family matters dictated that I return to my motherland. Those thoughts only intensified when Argentina nearly won the whole thing.

Being back in the US where soccer might not even crack the top 5 most popular sports was a culture shock in and of itself. But watching ever single World Cup game (great time to be unemployed) from the USA gave me a perspective into why soccer is more exciting in Latin America.

Here’s what I think.